UNESCO北京事務所より、The International Youth Forum (IYF) 参加者募集のご案内がありました。今年はCreativity and Heritage along the Silk Roadsをテーマに、中国の長沙市・南京市で開催されます。ご関心のあるユースの方(18~32歳)は、是非参加をご検討ください!8/9参加登録〆切です!


The 2024 International Youth Forum (IYF) aims to bring together youth from diverse cultural backgrounds who are passionate about promoting cultural innovation and cross-cultural exchanges along the Silk Roads. We are currently accepting applications for the Forum until 9 Aug. The Forum will take place in Changsha and Nanjing, China from September 22-27, 2024. We believe that your expertise and network in the field of culture would be invaluable in identifying potential candidates in the AP region, who could significantly contribute to the Forum’s success. Once selected, UNESCO Beijing, together with co-organizers, will facilitate the visa application for the youth participants, purchase international return air tickets, provide local transportation, and arrange for accommodation and meals during the Forum.

You can find the link to UNESCO Youth Facebook on the Call for Applications for details. The poster is also attached for your reference. For more information and past Forums, please visit our website.

